2) Problem-solving steps

Cards (5)

  • Problem solving steps
    1. Identify the problem
    2. Define the problem
    3. Identify possible solutions to the problem
    4. Select most appropriate alternative
    5. Develop action plan
    6. Implement suggested solution/ action plan
    7. Monitor implementation of solution/ action plan
    8. Evaluate implemented solution
    9. Formulate strategy
    10. Implement strategy
    11. Evaluate strategy
  • Application of the problem solving steps
    Identify the problem:
    • Acknowledge that there is a problem
    • Identify the exact problem
    Define the problem:
    • Name problem by stating exactly what problem is
    • Find different ways of defining problem
    • Define possible causes of the problem
  • Application of the problem solving steps
    Identify alternative solutions:
    • Identify all different possible solutions
    • Use creative thinking strategies to generate wide range of solutions
    Evaluate alternate solutions
    • Use critical evaluation and analytical skills to evaluate each solution
    • Consider advantages and disadvantages of each alternative solution
  • Application of the problem solving steps
    Choose the best solutions:
    • Set criteria for best solution, in terms of aspects such as time/ cost/ risk involved
    • Identify which solution will be used
    Formulate an action plan:
    • Arrange the necessary resources and delegate tasks
    • Establish timeline for implementation and set deadlines
  • Application of the problem solving steps
    Implementation of the action plan:
    • Carry out planned actions/ solutions
    • Communicate delegated tasks/ deadlines to employees
    Evaluate the action plan:
    • Assess whether the problem has been solved partially or entirely
    • Monitor/ test the solution/ action plan continuously