Birth Rate - the number of babies born annually per thousand people.
DeathRate - the number of deaths a year per thousand people.
NaturalIncrease - the difference between the birth and death rate.
InfantMortality - the number of children under 1 that die per 1000 live births.
Dependants - people that rely on economicallyactive people for their well-being e.g. under 16's and the elderly.
DependencyRatio - the number of dependants compared to the number of economically active people.
Changes to the UK's population:
Decrease in marriage
Increasing population
Ageing population
Increased immigration
Death rates decreased due to improvements in medicine.
Birth rates decreased due to easier access to contraception, women are more focussed on their jobs, children are expensive to look after and less children needed for work on farms - children survived so no need to have more to replace them.