"I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition" - Macbeth
"Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?" - Macbeth
"O full of scorpions is my mind dear wife!" - Macbeth
"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine Making the green one red." - Macbeth
"Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gorylocks at me." - macbeth
"Macbeth does murder sleep" - macbeth in regards to committing regicide
"I had most need of blessing and 'Amen' stuck in my throat " - macbeth
Rejected by God
Immediate punishment of commiting regicide
Consumed with guilt
"I'll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done -- Look on't again, I darenot" - Macbeth
Shift in character as he was bold and fearless previously in act 1
Now he is weakened mentally and riddled with guilt
"To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself" - macbeth
The pronoun 'my' shows that he takes responsibility
"To be thus is nothing but to be safely thus" - Macbeth
Realises that all this is in vain if his position as king isn't secure
"Our fears in Banquo stick deep" - macbeth
Scared that his position isn't safe due to banquo being alive
Shows his trust in the witches
Fears that Banquos prophecy will come true
"Upon my head they placed a fruitlesscrown" - Macbeth
Irony that he has no children so his bloodline won't continue
Realises that commiting regicide was not for his purpose
"But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in to saucy doubts and fears" - macbeth
Trapped in terrible mental state
Riddled with paranoia
"Blood will have blood" - macbeth
The people the macbeths have wronged will have their revenge and gain their peace blood is symbolic of guilt in the play
"I am in blood steeped in so far that returning were as tedious as go o'er" - macbeth
Pointless to try and be good
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen" - macbeth
Mirrors the witches speech
"Stars hide your fires let not light see my black and deep desires"
Hints of darkness in him beginning to be shown to audience
Tries to hide his evil nature
Tries to fathom the idea of commiting regicide
"He is here in doubletrust" - macbeth
Contemplates regicide
"We will proceed no further in this buisness" ‐ macbeth
Exudes masculinity
Fear of retribution of both heaven and earth
Declarative statement
"False face must hide what the false heart doth know" ‐ macbeth
Overturns his earlier vacillation portraying innocence although he knows he's guilty
Duplicitous behaviour
"The bell invites me hear it not, Duncan for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell " - Macbeth
Made up his mind
The bell was a signal from his wife to go and kill the King
Knell is a funeral bell
So bell that invites him has 2 meanings:
1 - go kill the king
2 - signifies that Duncan soul will be released into the after life
"Proceeding from the heat oppressed brain" - macbeth
Slowly losing himself
Synonym for suffering (oppressed)
Moral battle
if chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir
this supernatural is soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good.
commencing in a truth?
refers to witches and their prohecy of him becoming thane of cawdor
So foul and fair a day I have not seen
echoes the witches' words and establishes a connection between them and Macbeth.
It also suggests that Macbeth is the focus of the drama's moral confusion