Lesson 6 [PRH102]

Cards (22)

  • Items in a Research Appendix
    • Definition
    • Factors to be considered
    • What to be included
    • How to Structure
  • Contents of an Appendix
    • Supplementary or additional information relevant to the study but not included in the main body of the paper
    • May include tables, figures, raw data, questionnaires, or other materials providing more in-depth information or support to the research presented in the main text
  • An appendix is a supplementary document that facilitates the reader’s understanding of research but is not essential to the core argument
  • Materials to be included in the Appendix section
    • Supplemental - helps illustrate the main points of the report with tables, charts, graphs, maps, drawings, and other visual aids
    • Supporting - helps support the argument presented in the main text with transcripts of interviews, copies of surveys or questionnaires, field notes from observations, raw data, and detailed descriptions of research instruments
  • How to structure an Appendix
    1. Appendices should be positioned at the end of the paper, after the references list
    2. Each appendix should begin on a new page and appear according to how they are presented in the paper
    3. Consider a specific format for structuring the appendix with labels, titles, double-spacing, indentation, and consecutive numbering of figures and tables throughout the document
  • Factors to consider in creating an Appendix
    1. Relevance - content of appendix is directly relevant to the research and supports the findings or arguments presented in the main text
    2. Organization - organize the appendix in a logical and coherent manner using clear headings and labels
    3. Usefulness of the information - useful to readers who want to learn more about the study
    4. Clarity - provides clear explanation so readers can understand the content without referring back to the main text
    5. Consistency - maintain a consistent format such as using the same style for tables, figures, etc.
    6. Citations - provide proper citations and references
    7. Length - should contain relevant information without becoming excessively long
    8. Titles and Labels - clearly label each appendix with a title and use consistent numbering or lettering for appendices and their subsections
  • Appendices in a research paper (Experimental)

    • Appendix A- Raw Data
    • Appendix BStandard Protocol
    • Appendix CPhoto documentation
    • Appendix D – Plant Identification Certification (If applicable)
    • Appendix E – Communication Letters
    • Appendix FEthics Review Certification
    • Appendix GStatistical Analysis Certification
    • Appendix HEnglish Critique Certification
    • Appendix I - Certification of Turnitin Similarity Report
    • Appendix J – Curriculum Vitae
  • Abstracts have been likened to movie trailers because they provide previews with highlights that help viewers decide whether they wish to see the entire work (Alspach, 2017)
  • Guidelines in writing the Abstract
  • Purposes of writing the Abstract
  • How to structure an appendix
    1. Double-space the entire appendix just as you would the rest of your paper
    2. Indent each paragraph five spaces just as you would in the main body of your paper
    3. The figures and tables are numbered consecutively throughout the document
  • Components of an Abstract
  • Preliminaries in a research paper
    • Access Permission Page
    • Title Page
    • Abstract
    • Approval Sheet
    • Acknowledgements
    • Table of Contents
    • List of Tables
    • List of Figures
  • Appendices in a research paper (Descriptive)

    • Appendix A- Raw Data
    • Appendix BResearch Instrument
    • Appendix CPhoto documentation
    • Appendix D – Informed Consent and Assent form
    • Appendix EData Privacy Form
    • Appendix F – Ethics Review Certification
    • Appendix GCommunication Letters
    • Appendix HRoute Slip
    • Appendix I – Statistical Analysis Certification
    • Appendix J– English Critique Certification
    • Appendix K - Certification of Turnitin Similarity Report
    • Appendix L – Curriculum Vitae
  • Abstracts function as a synopsis of a paper’s content, designed to briefly summarize the key details contained in a paper without providing too much detail (Hartley, 2008)
  • This implores the need to reinforce health literacy through proper health education to mitigate future health risks
  • This study assessed the prevalence of self-diagnosis and self-medication between health allied and non-health allied students in Dasmarinas City and determined whether the factors of perceived health literacy and the COVID 19 Pandemic illustrated a significant relationship to this prevalence
  • Self-diagnosis is more or less prevalent in both 208(50.6%) health allied and 203 (49.4%) non-health allied undergraduate students
  • Perceived health literacy presents moderate self-efficacy in both practices among both populations
  • These practices can lead to serious consequences but, its over-all prevalence in students is not known
  • Self-diagnosis and self-medication are the only forms of accessible and available healthcare to many, especially in the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Data collection methods
    Disseminating quantitative test survey of adapted and self-made questions