Cards (41)

  • Reproduction is a biological process by which new individual organisms are produced from their parents
  • Evolution
    • Refers to the cumulative changes that occur in a population over time
  • Genetics
    • The scientific study of genes and heredity, of how certain qualities or traits are passed from parents to offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence
  • Sperm travel through the vas deferens
    1. Three sex glands secrete a fluid that nourishes and lubricates the sperm
    2. Ejaculatory Duct delivers sperm into the urethra by adding secretions from the prostate
    3. Ejaculation is the release of semen through the penis
  • Gene
    A segment of DNA that contains instructions for building one or more molecules that help the body work
  • The male reproductive system
    • The main organ is the testes or testicles responsible for producing sperm and testosterone
    • Scrotum is a sac-like organ that houses the testes and regulates their temperature
    • Vas Deferens carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
    • Epididymis is a sperm storage area
    • Seminal Vesicles store and produce liquid portion of semen
    • Prostate Gland produces fluid for semen
    • Cowper's Gland secretes fluid into the urethra
    • Urethra carries urine and sperm out of the body
    • Ejaculatory Duct delivers sperm into the urethra
    • Penis is the male external sexual organ
  • Biodiversity
    • All the different kinds of life you'll find in one area
  • Testosterone stimulates stem cells in the testes known as spermatogonium to undergo the process of developing into spermatocytes
  • At birth, the normal female ovary contains about 1-2 million oocytes (eggs), only one is released each month until a woman reaches menopause
  • Tail of the sperm
    Thin, elongated structure making up about 80% of the entire length of the sperm, allows movement, mitochondria provide energy for swimming in the female reproductive tract
  • Females are born with their entire lifetime supply of gametes
  • The spermatid cells then go through the process known as spermiogenesis where they grow a flagellum and develop the structures of the sperm head
  • Head of the sperm
    Contains the DNA, acrosome at the tip enables penetration of the egg
  • Females are born with a fixed number of potential ova (egg cells)
  • Midpiece of the sperm
    Contains mitochondria supplying energy for tail movement
  • Spermatogenesis
    The process of producing sperm that takes place in the testes and epididymis
  • Penis
    The male external sexual organ located superior to the scrotum and inferior to the umbilicus, roughly cylindrical in shape, containing the urethra, function is to deliver semen into the vagina during sexual intercourse and allows for the excretion of urine through the urethra
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) triggers the maturation of germ cells
  • Semen
    The fluid produced by males for sexual reproduction, contains sperm along with several chemicals suspended in a liquid medium, in healthy adult males contains around 100 million sperm cells per milliliter
  • Each diploid spermatocyte goes through the process of meiosis I and splits into 2 haploid secondary spermatocytes
  • Ejaculation
    The release of semen through the penis
  • Ovaries
    Small, oval-shaped glands located on either side of the uterus, produce and store eggs (ovum) and make hormones that control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, during ovulation, one of the ovaries releases an egg, if fertilized, pregnancy can occur
  • The cell finally becomes a sperm cell, or spermatozoa, released into the epididymis where they complete their maturation
  • The secondary spermatocytes go through the process of meiosis II to form 4 haploid spermatid cells
  • Sperm Cells
    A form of gamete or reproductive cell found in the male human body, derived from the Greek word sperma meaning seed, haploid containing 23 chromosomes, the journey starts in the testes, mature in the epididymis, travel to the vas deferens, mix with fluids from prostate, cowper's, and seminal vesicles, travel to the ejaculatory duct, then to the urethra
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) triggers the production of testosterone by the testes
  • Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis
  • Uterus
    Hollow organ that is the home for a developing fetus, commonly known as the womb, nourishes the developing fetus prior to birth
  • Cervix
    Narrow lower portion of the uterus, the neck of the uterus
  • Vagina
    Canal that joins the cervix to the outside of the body, also known as the birth canal
  • Three Tissue Layers of the Uterus

    • Inner Layer (endometrium) goes through monthly changes known as the menstrual cycle, grows and thickens to receive a fertilized egg, clears in menstruation if pregnancy doesn't occur
    • Middle Layer (myometrium) expands during pregnancy to hold the fetus and contracts during labor, Outer Layer (perimetrium) expands during pregnancy and contracts thereafter
  • Fertilization occurs when the sperm's genetic material combines with the egg's genetic material
  • Vagina
    1. Provides a passageway for blood and mucosal tissue from the uterus to leave the body during a menstrual period
    2. Provides a passageway for childbirth
  • The journey of the egg cell starts from the ovary, where it produces egg cells, estrogen, and progesterone, then travels to the fallopian tube and uterus
  • Ovaries
    • Main organ of the female reproductive system
    • Produce female sex cells or ova
    • Produce sex hormones estrogen and progesterone for various developments and menstrual cycle
    • Release fully developed eggs during ovulation
  • Ovaries
    Small, oval-shaped glands located on either side of the uterus
  • Ovulation
    One of the ovaries releases an egg, and if fertilized by sperm, pregnancy can occur
  • Ovaries
    Produce and store eggs (ovum) and make hormones that control the menstrual cycle and pregnancy
  • Parts of the egg cell
    • Nucleus
    • Cytoplasm
    • Zona pellucida
    • Corona radiata
  • Fertilization
    Process by which a sperm combines with an oocyte (egg cell), involves sperm swimming through the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes to reach the oocyte, penetration of outer layers of the oocyte, fusion of nuclei to form a zygote, cell division to form an embryo