week 1

Cards (62)

  • With the current third-party payor system, nurses are expected to be the prime movers in delivering high quality, effective and efficient nursing care which will result in shorter hospital confinement and continuation of recovery and rehabilitation through home care and or community-based nursing care
  • Recent developments in the field of health care have highlighted the important role of education in helping patients and their families assume responsibility for self-care management
  • Overview in the Philippines: Albularyo is derived from the word “herbolario”, a Spanish word meaning herbalist
  • Historical accounts revealed that people of the ancient world were so concerned about their health. In the past, ancient Greek estates observed sports competitions in honor of their gods and goddesses. The competitors had to undergo rigorous physical and mental training in order to win. This could have been true since the early Greeks believed in what Plato had envisioned about health – a sound mind in a sound body; for the good of the soul
  • Overview in the Philippines: Arbularyo is another variation of the word, a misspelling often brought about by mispronunciation and is technically incorrect
  • Organizations
    • Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization
    • American Hospital Association
    • Pew Health Professions Commission
  • Credit Units
    • 3 Units
  • Overview in the Philippines: During the pre-Hispanic period, the function of an albularyo was fulfilled by the Babaylan, a shamanic spiritual leader of the community
  • Overview in the Philippines: At the beginning of the Spanish Era in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the suppression of the Babaylans and native Filipino animist beliefs gave rise to the albularyo. By exchanging the native pagan prayers and spells with Catholic oraciones and prayers, the albularyo was able to syncretize the ancient mode of healing with the new religion
  • Grading System
    • Quizzes
    • Attendance
    • Recitation
    • Assignments
    • Prelim Examination
    • Midterm Examination
    • Final Examination
  • Overview in the Philippines: “Albularyo” or what we call a witch doctor usually call the spirit of the dead and tries to remove them from the face of the earth, they also use herbal medicine; as well as “gayuma”
  • WHO: 'comprising of consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills which are conducive to individual and community health'
  • Overview in the Philippines: As time progressed, the albularyo became a more prominent figure in most rural areas in the Philippines. Lacking access to scientific medical practices, rural Filipinos trusted the albularyos to rid them of common (and sometimes believed to be supernatural) sickness and diseases. However, the albularyo’s role was slowly shadowed with the rise of modern medicine
  • Department of Health launched its Hospitals as Centers for Wellness program in 1993
    Assigned each hospital a health education and promotion officer
  • Health educator
    • Also called Health Educators
    • Educate people about behaviors that promote wellness
    • Serve their community in a variety of ways, using health-focused strategies to improve the well-being of their community members
    • Work with individuals, families, and communities, as well as public and private organizations to create, implement, oversee, and analyze programs and strategies that promote health and well-being
  • Filipino doctors opted to stay in the country leaving only a few doctors attending to the needs of the large population
  • Roles of albularyos in rural areas in the Philippines
    • Trusted to rid rural Filipinos of common (and sometimes believed to be supernatural) sickness and diseases
    • Flourish in many rural areas where medical facilities are still expensive and sometimes inaccessible
  • Public health system was decentralized to local governments
    1. Leading to inequitable distribution of health services
    2. Poor municipalities could hardly deliver health services and education as efficiently as urban cities do
  • Planning includes plans of health activities in different settings using appropriate instructional materials involving well and sick clients across all ages and considering
  • Health conditions in the Philippines would have improved a lot by the 1990s
  • This explains the high cost of medication in the country, forcing some Filipinos to consult faith healers, witch doctors, or self-declared physicians who charge less
  • In the 1990s, the Philippines entered as a modernizing society
  • National government is showing efforts to make efficient health services and health education available to as many Filipinos
  • Five Areas of Responsibility of Health Education Specialists
    • Resource Person
    • Advocate
    • Planning
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation and Research
  • 7 Key Areas of Responsibility of Health Education Specialists
    • Assessing the individual and family community needs for education
    • Plan health education strategies, interventions, and programs based on needs assessment
    • Plan health education strategies, interventions, and programs based on priority population
    • Conduct evaluation and research related to health education
    • Administer health education strategies, interventions, and programs
    • Serve as health education resource person
    • Advocate for health and Health Education
  • Tracing the history of health education to ancient times, Rubinson and Alles (1984) concluded that the health education profession has been helping people for a very long time now
  • Health educator
    A professionally prepared individual who serves in a variety of roles and is specially trained to use appropriate educational strategies and methods to facilitate the development of policies, procedures, interventions, and systems conducive to the health of individuals, groups, and communities
  • Nurse Practice Acts (NPAs) in the US universally include teaching within the scope of nursing practice responsibilities
    1. Provides up-to-date information to patient, family members, and colleagues in the profession
    2. Involves skills to access needed resources, and establish effective consultative relationship
    1. A continuous practice that improves and innovates nursing practice
    2. Depending on the setting, utilize tests, surveys, observations, tracking epidemiological data, or other methods of data collection
    3. Health Educators make use of research to improve their practices
    1. Protects the welfare of the patient when needed
    2. Translates scientific language into understandable information
    3. Address diverse audience in diverse settings
    4. Formulates and supports rules, policies, and legislation
    5. Advocate for the profession of health education
  • The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) delineated nursing standards or mandates for patient education which are based on positive outcomes for patient care
  • The teaching function will always be an integral part of the duties of a professional nurse
  • Historical Development of Health Education
  • Five Areas of Responsibility of Health Education
    • Resource Person
    • Advocate
    • Planning
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation and Research
    1. Includes plans of health activities in different settings using appropriate instructional materials involving well and sick client across the ages and considering their health beliefs and practices
    2. Involves the development of goals and objectives which are specific and measurable
    3. Interventions are developed that will meet the goals and objectives
    4. According to the Rule of Sufficiency, strategies are implemented which are sufficiently robust, effective enough, and have a reasonable chance of meeting stated objectives
  • Instruction is a component of teaching that involves the communicating of information
  • Teaching is a deliberate intervention that involves the planning and implementation of instructional activities and experiences to meet intended learner outcomes according to a teaching plan
    1. Includes use of age-appropriate strategies, intervention, and programs
    2. Implementation is based on a thorough understanding of the priority population
    3. Utilize a wide range of educational methods and techniques
  • Key Points in Patient Education
    • Self-care steps they need to take
    • Why they need to maintain self-care
    • How to recognize warning signs
    • What to do if a problem occurs
    • Who to contact if they have questions