Chris Rainer Reportage

Cards (6)

  • Voice?
    Horror / frightened
    Helpful / supportive
  • Audience?
    General American Audience - assumed audience
    National geographic readers
  • Purpose?
    To document the impact of the tsunami
    Elements of persuading the audience that America is helping
    To present America in a good light
  • Context?
    Photographer = not a professional writer
    Parts of his response seem a little forced, as a defence for the US's previous actions - illegal invasion of Iraq in 2004
    Reportage conventions = headlines, first person, register changes, facts and statistic ect...
    2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that caused a deadly earthquake effecting 14 continents, Banda Aceh the most, killing 250,000
  • Key techniques?
    Figurative language
    Semantic field of death, decay and injury
    Hyperbolic description
    Ambiguous language = sense of detachment from the horror, uncertainty and incomprehensible disaster = in medias res.
  • Mode?
    Spoken piece of a reportage but edited and published as an article for national geographic.