JFK Speech

Cards (6)

  • Key techniques?
    Antithetical semantic fields
    Syntactic patterning
    1st person plural
  • Purpose?
    To reassure, unite
    To instil hope
    To establish America as a world power
    To establish JFK as leader of America.
    State aims and objectives
  • Audiences?
    Washington / America / The World
    Global audience (THE WORLD ) - televised
  • Contexts?
    Youngest president, democratic leader (replaced Eisenhower), during the cold war and space race,
    JFK wanted address to be short and clear, focusing on foreign policy
    Calls on the nation to combat 'tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself'
  • Voice?
    Pragmatic through acknowledgment of potential threat
    Powerful emotion
  • Speech conventions:
    carefully crafted, key syntactical patterning = to build gravitas