Cards (33)

  • DIONYSUS "I have put aside my divine form"
  • Thebes "first Greek city i have come to" Dionysus
  • "stung them into a frenzy"
    " i have compelled them to wear the clothes of my wild rites"
    emphasis on "only women" "far from their shuttles and looms"
  • "Pentheus, who now fights the gods"
  • parados
    "joyful labours... work that does not weary me"
    "blessed is he who in his good fortune knows the rites of the god" like homeric hymn
  • "joy of eating raw flesh" sparagmos
  • tiresias
    "we two old men agreed to make ourselves a thyrsus each, put on fawnskins and garland our heads with ivy wreaths"
    "i will not grow weary, it is so sweet to forget that we are old"
  • "we do not hold intellectual debates on the gods"
  • Pentheus
    "fake bacchic revels "
    "they put Aphrodite before the bacchic king"
    "obscene revelry"
    "magical enchanter"
  • Tiresias
    "there is no other cure for pain, itself a god, to the gods it is poured as a libation"
    "in time you will see him even on the cliffs of Delphi"
    "for even in the Bacchic celebrations a woman who has sense of right will will not be corrupted"
  • Pentheus
    "effeminate stranger who has brought a new disease to our women"
  • chorus
    "to keep his sense and wits intact away from 'superior men',whatever simplefolk consider right and follow, that i would accept"
  • "it is forbidden to tell those who are not initiated in the Bacchic ways"
  • dionysus mocks fear
    "tell me what i must suffer, what terrible things will you do to me?"
  • pentheus
    "he is not visible to my eyes"
    "Where i am"
  • Dionysus to Pentheus
    "you do not know what your life is, nor what you are doing,nor who you are"
  • Dionysus
    "shake the floor of the world"
    "can you see the... pillars flying apart"
  • "women overcoming men"
  • many things the gods achieve are unexpected
  • you punish too severly
    "yes for i am a god and i was insulted by you"
  • Cadmus "if anyone despises divinity, let him look on this man's death and believe in the gods"
  • " the enemy of gods, law and justice"
  • messenger "Pentheus the son of Echion is dead"
    chorus "Lord Bromios you reveal yourself as a great god"
    Messenger " Woman, are you rejoicing at my masters misfortune"
  • "so as to see without being seen"
  • Pentheus - "from where we are standing i cannot see these false maenads"
    "instead of seeing the maenads he was seen by them"
  • bacchants "sprang off with the speed of a dove"
  • Exodus
    chorus refer to Agave as "poor woman"
    Stichomythia - heightens tension for Agave' anagnorisis
  • Exodus
    • Cadmus forced to become leader once again
    • "pitiful burden of Pentheus...never picking up two parts in the same place"
    • Agave - "she is not a happy sight"
    • " i have left the shuttles by my loom and have come to something greater, hunting wild animals with my bare hands"
  • "stop him reporting the secret dances of the god"
  • "the best advice is to know one's place and revere the divine"
  • A "where did he die"
    C "where once hounds tore apart Actaeon"
  • "let me go where foul Cithaeron cannot see me"