Crime prevention

Cards (7)

  • Situational crime prevention

    Right realist approach
  • Clarke
    Reduce opportunity for crime
    Target hardening
    Situational crime prevention measures rooted in rational choice theory of crime
  • Felson
    The port authority bus terminal in New York City
  • Evaluation of situational crime prevention
    Situational crime prevention measures don’t reduce crime, they displace it
    Chaiken et al (1974) - found that a crackdown on subway robberies in New York merely displaced them to the street above
    Reduction in overall suicide rate
    Focuses on petty street crime, ignores white collar, corporate and state crime which are more costly and harmful
    Assumes criminals make a rational choice which may not always be the case
    Ignores root causes
  • Environmental crime prevention

    Wilson & Kelling‘s broken windows
    Environmental improvement strategy - any broken windows must be repaired immediately
    Zero tolerance policing
  • Evaluation of environmental crime prevention
    Evidence of success - clean car programme and crackdown on squeegee merchants
  • Social and community crime prevention
    Tackling root causes
    Perry Pre-School Project, Michigan USA