Wrist Blood Vessels

Cards (3)

  • Blood Vessels at Wrist - Radial Artery:
    1. Appears at wrist anteriorly
    2. Medial to radial styloid process and lateral to flexor carpi radialis
    3. Curves around the wrist through anatomical snuffbox, crossed by tendons (Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis brevis and longus)
    A) Radial artery
  • Blood Vessels at Wrist - Ulnar Artery:
    1. Appears in wrist anteriorly
    2. Lateral to flexor carpi ulnaris, medial to flexor digitorum superficialis
    3. Runs over the flexor retinaculum with ulnar nerve
    4. At pisiform divides into deep and superficial palmer arteries
    A) Ulnar artery
  • both the radial and ulnar arteries are lateral to their corresponding flexor carpi muscle (radial artery lateral to flexor carpi radialis, ulnar artery lateral to flexor carpi ulnaris)