Principle of conservation of linear momentum - when bodies in a closed system interact, the total momentum remains constant, provided no external force acts on the system
Elastic collisions - total momentum conserved, total kinetic energy conserved
the relative speed of the body's approach is equal to the relative speed of their separation
Inelastic collisions - total momentum is conserved, total kinetic energy is not conserved
the relative speed of approach is greater than the relative speed of separation
total energy is conserved but kineticenergy may be converted to other forms of energy
Perfectly inelastic collisions - only momentum is conserved, and the particles stick together after the collision
Collisions in 2 dimensions
change in momentum affecting each body acts along the line of impact
law of conservation of momentum applies along the line of impact
calculate the y- component and x- component and draw vector triangle
Momentum and Newton's laws
First law - the momentum of an object remains the sameunless the object experiences an external force
Second law - resultant force is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum