types of research, variable, hypothesis

Cards (26)

  • basic or pure. aims to acquire new knowledge and understanding
  • basic or pure. basic and has no application
  • applied. oriented towards finding solution to a practical problem
  • applied. a new method, new intervention, or new device
  • cross-sectional. there is a different type of subject with different type of characteristics and treats them simultaneously
  • cross-sectional. takes 1 to 2 years.
  • longitudinal. same set of subjects is treated over a period of time
  • longitudinal. takes more than 4 years.
  • action research. a decision oriented research involving the application of the steps of the scientific method in response to an immediate need to improve existing practices.
  • quantitative. conducted to find answers to questions about relationships among measurable variable with a purpose of explaining, controlling, and predicting phenomena
  • quantitative. numerical data.
  • qualitative. starts with a few preconceived ideas and stresses the importance of people’s interpretations of events and circumstances.
  • qualitative. narrative data.
  • Variable is any quality of person, group, or situation that varies or takes on different values, typically numerical values.
  • independent variable
    → the assumed cause of the problem.
  • independent variable
    → affects the value of the dependent condition that produces the outcome.
  • independent variable
    → what the researcher manipulates or varies.
  • dependent variable
    → outcome of the process or assumed effect.
  • dependent variable
    → factor whose value is affected by the independent variable.
  • dependent variable
    → the change that occurs in the study population.
  • Hypothesis is a prediction about the relationship between two or more variables.
  • hypothesis serves as a tentative answer to one or more of the research questions, and are subjected to a statistical test.
  • simple hypothesis. express an expected relationship between one independent and one dependent variable.
  • complex hypothesis. expressed prediction of a relationship between two or more independent variable to two or more dependent variables.
  • null hypothesis - there exist no significant relationship or difference between the dependent and independent variables
  • alternate hypothesis - there exists a significant relationship or difference between the dependent and independent variables