Rituals, Moral Codes, and Relationships

Cards (12)

  • Examples of rituals of Chirstianity;
    • Baptism and Eucharist
  • Example of Rituals from the Qu'ran?
    • The Five Pillars;
    • Salat = daily prayers
    • Sawm = Ramadan
    • Zakat = Charity
    • Hajj = Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • Example of Rituals from the Pali Canon?
    • Meditation and Puja Offerings.
  • Example of Rituals from the Vedas?
    • Puja Rituals
  • How does the Dreamtime Stories inform adherents about rituals?
    • Dreamtime Stories guide rituals related to creation and all things.
  • Example of Rituals from the Torah?
    • Shabbat
    • Bar and Bat Mitzvah
  • Where does Christianity get their moral codes?
    • The Ten Commandments and Jesus' teachings in the New Testament
  • Where does Islam get their moral codes?
    • The Qu'ran
  • Where does Buddhism get their moral codes?
    • Sermons and instructions of Buddha
  • Where does Hinduism get their moral codes?
    • Vedic Instruciton and "Do no harm" concept
  • How does the Aboriginal Spirituality inform adherents about moral codes and relationships?
    • Dreamtime Stories offer moral guidance by emphasizing respect for the land and understanding of relationships with nature.
  • Where does Judaism get their moral codes?
    • 613 Mitzvot for behaviour