Existence of God - Essay Plans

Cards (11)

  • Examine Paley's Design Argument A01
    - watch analogy / complexity v simplicity
    - qua purpose
    - qua regularity
    - inductive a posteriori
  • Examine Hume's Criticisms of the Design Argument A01
    - God of classical theism
    - polytheism (link to ship analogy)
    - epicurean hypotheses (monkey and typewriters)
    - we did not witness the creation of the universe
  • Examine both Hume and Russell's criticisms of Aquinas' Third Way A01
    - Russell says way 3 commits the fallacy of composition
    - Hume argues that none of us witnessed the start of creation
    - Russell: the universe exists as an unexplainable brute fact. But if the universe is unexplainable it seems very odd that science works on the opposite principle
    - Hume: the simplest explanation is that matter itself is the necessary cause (occams razor)
  • Examine Anselm's Ontological Argument A01
    - predicate and subject: god exists
    - god is that than which nothing greater can be conceived: link to painter
    - deductive
    - Anselm's response to gaunilo: perfect island
  • Examine Aquinas' Third Way A01
    - based upon observation: inductive a posteriori
    - rejection of infinite regress
    - uses reductio ad absurdum
    - necessary being
  • There are few strengths to Aquinas' Third Way'. Evaluate this claim A02
    - strength: a posteriori / shared observations
    - weakness: we all have a different interpretation
    - strength: reductio ad absurdum
    - weakness: Russell's response to reductio ad absurdum
    - strength: science supports rejection of infinite regress
    - weakness: steady state theory supports idea of infinity
  • There are few strengths to Anselm's Ontological Argument'. Evaluate this claim A02
    - strength: deductive a priori
    - weakness: a priori premises are off. Kant shows that Anselm's argument cannot be proved through logic
    - strength: better to exist in mind and reality
    - weakness: Gaunilo: perfect island.
    - strength: god exists is used as an analytical statement
    - weakness: Kant says that saying God exists doesn't mean he exists necessarily. Says it is a synthetic argument
  • There are few strengths to Paley's Design Argument'. Evaluate this claim A02
    - strength: a posteriori / shared observation
    - weakness: didn't witness the building of creation
    - strength: like effects have like causes
    - weakness: analogy of world is more like a carrot not a machine
    - strength: in all probability God created the universe
    - weakness: why does it have to be god? God of classical theism is not all loving. Why not polytheism?
  • Examine Kant's criticisms of the Ontological argument A01
    - existence is not a predicate. We add nothing to the concept of God. The only way we know God exists is by sense experience not logic
    - undermines the conclusion that God exists necessarily. Even though he is defined as that it doesn't mean he exists
  • Examine how reason is able to support faith through the existence of God A01
    - Anselm: to have an active love for God (faith) means seeking a deeper knowledge (reason)
    - Aquinas: big bang theory supports the start of the universe. Aquinas rejected infinite regress so he would most likely agree with this
    - Paley: qua regularity. Newton's laws of motion and gravity
    - Aquinas: uncaused necessary being is the reason for the universe's existence
  • Reason does not support faith'. A02