Petroleum is a mixture consisting mainly of alkane hydrocarbons that can be separated by fractional distillation
Cracking means breaking the C-C bonds in alkanes resulting in shorter alkanes and alkenes.
Thermal cracking is cracking on long chained alkanes into alkenes and shorter alkanes using high pressure and high temperature
Catalytic cracking is another process to break long chained hydrocarbons to shorter hydrocarbons using high temperature and slight pressure. As well as using a zeolite catalyst to produce aromatic compounds and motor fuels
Economic reasons for cracking
Long chains alkanes have a low demand and so not valuable
Products are in higher demand and are more valuable
Make more useful fuels
Makes the starting material for polymers
Pollutants of combustion of hydrocarbon fuels
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen oxides
Sulfur dioxide
Water vapour
Unburnt hydrocarbons
Nitrogenoxides and sulfurdioxide leads to acid rain
Soot causes global dimming and respiratory problems while unburnt hydrocarbons also cause respiratory problems and causes global warming
Nitrogen oxides cause respiratory problems, acid rain and photochemicalsmog
Catalytic converter
Uses a platinum catalyst
On a ceramic honeycomb structure
Very small amounts of metal
It converts CO, nitrogen oxides and unburnt hydrocarbons into less harmful gases as they react together
Flue gas desulfurisation
It's the removal of sulfur dioxide by adding calcium oxide or calcium carbonate into the water
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases traps infrared radiation so that heats up the earth's atmosphere