sense is the ability to perceive and respond to stimuli from the environment -> specific physical phenomenon that corresponds to a particular group of regions in the brain
2 main components of the nervous system are the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
the PNS controls the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord
the PNS' function is to carry information from the CNS to the rest of the body
the CNS is the brain and the spinal cord
the function of the CNS is to coordinate the activities of the body and to control the activities of the body
a dendrite is a branch of a neuron that receives information from other neurons and sends it to the cell body
a cell body is the part of a neuron that contains the nucleus and is responsible for receiving and sending signals
an axon is the long extension of a neuron that carries electrical impulses away from the cell body
axon terminal is the end of the axon that receives signals from the axon
a neuron is a cell that carries electrical impulses around the body
information flows from one neuron to another through the axel, to the axon terminal, cross the gap (synapse), and the receptors on the dendrite trigger a new electrical signal
stimuli are things all around us, such as light, temperature (hot/cold), and chemicals (smell/taste), vibrations (sound)