Band of lines observed when an element emits light as electrons move from an excited state to a lower state, seen as colored lines on a black spectrum
Ground state to excited state transition
Requires energy to be absorbed
Ionization energy
Amount of energy an electron absorbs before being completely removed from its atomic orbitals and becoming an ion
Absorption spectrum
Band of lines observed when an element absorbs photons of white light, viewed as a series of black lines on the visible light spectrum corresponding to the energy of photons required for transitions
Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
Used to determine quantity of a metal in an unknown sample, can detect as low as ppb, measures intensity (absorbance) of emitted light relative to original source
Excited state to ground state transition
Accompanied by emission of energy
Flame tests
Used to identify elements as metals emit characteristic colors when electrons are excited to higher orbital shells
Electromagnetic spectrum
Consists of the full range of frequencies of light, photons travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, frequency is the number of waves passing a point each second, wavelength is the distance between two crests or troughs of a wave
Mass spectrometry
Involves the ionisation of substances, separation and detection of resulting ions, spectra can be analysed to determine isotopic composition of elements and interpreted to determine relative atomic mass
Used to distinguish photons of light based on wavelengths
Mass spectrometry
1. Ionisation of substances
2. Separation and detection of resulting ions
3. Analysis to determine isotopic composition of elements
4. Interpretation to determine relative atomic mass
Ground state of atoms
Refers to the lowest energy, most stable electron shell that an electron can occupy, when an atom absorbs energy, electrons move to higher energy shells, excited state contains more energy than ground state
Data analysis and interpretation
1. The sample tested is compared to a set of standards of known concentration of the metal being analysed
2. A calibration curve of the standards is prepared, and the unknown sample’s concentration is calculated from this
Determining relative isotopic mass
1. Mass spec of Si reveals 3 isotopes: 28Si = 92.23%, 29Si = 4.68%, 30Si = 3.09%
2. Relative atomic mass calculation: (RIM1 x %1) + (RIM2 x %2) + (RIM3 x %3) / 100
Backtracking calculations
Given RIM and abundance of one isotope, determine RIM and abundance of the second isotope
Mass spectrometry shows how many isotopes an element has, the relative mass of each isotope, and the percentage abundance of each isotope
Mass spectrometry
1. Analytical technique where chemical elements are ionized and ions are sorted according to their mass to charge ratio
2. Measured by a Mass spectrometer
3. Works by bombarding the element with electrons, passing ions through electric and magnetic fields to separate them based on mass to charge ratio
Standard samples for AAS
Standard 1: Concentration (ppm) 0, Absorption 0
Standard 2: Concentration 15, Absorption 25
Standard 3: Concentration 30, Absorption 50
Standard 4: Concentration 45, Absorption 75
Standard 5: Concentration 60, Absorption 100
Sample: Concentration 80
The most abundant elements on earth are iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium, and aluminum, found in rock-based formations
Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
1. Used to determine the quantity of a metal in an unknown sample
2. Can detect as low as ppb
3. The detector measures the intensity (absorbance) of the light emitted relative to the original light source
4. The greater the intensity (absorbance), the higher the concentration of the metal atoms in the sample
Living organisms are often referred to as ‘carbon-based’ life forms, but oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body (65%), followed by carbon (18.5%), hydrogen (9.5%), nitrogen (3.2%), and trace elements
Oxygen has high abundance on earth due to its presence in rock-based compounds, water, and the atmosphere
Colligative property of a solution depends on the ratio of the number of solute particles to the number of solvent molecules
Spectroscope is used to determine the chemical composition of a star, where absorption spectra show dark lines referred to as Fraunhofer lines
As an object approaches the earth from outer space
Wavelength decreases and frequency increases
Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength observed as the source of the wave moves past a bystander
Composition of the human body
65% oxygen
18.5% carbon
9.5% hydrogen
3.2% nitrogen
Rest trace elements
Heterogeneous mixtures consist of two or more substances with distinguishable regions called phases, while homogeneous mixtures have only one visibly distinct phase
Blue shift
Occurs when an object's absorption spectrum shifts slightly towards the blue end due to a decrease in wavelength
Most common elements identified in the sun
Red shift
Occurs when an object moving away emits radiation that spreads further apart, leading to an increase in wavelength and decrease in frequency towards the red spectrum
Many mixtures are called solutions, where the substance present in the greatest amount is the solvent and all other substances are solutes dissolved in the solvent
Pure substances have distinct, measurable properties and purity can be established based on physical and chemical properties including melting point, boiling point, density, reactivity, and bond strength
Granite is a heterogeneous mixture of three solid phases: white quartz mineral made of silica, an orange mineral, and black mica mineral
Examples of common solutions
Air - Gas-gas - Nitrogen - Oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, water vapor - Clear colorless gas
Soft drinks - Liquid-gas - Water - Carbon dioxide gas - Colored liquid
Vinegar - Liquid-liquid - Water - Acetic acid - Clear
Most abundant elements on earth
Star's temperature
Determined from its color, with hotter stars appearing blue and cooler stars appearing redder
Molecule attaches to a surface of a solid or liquid
Nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes are extremely strong like diamonds, conduct electricity like graphite, are flexible, have high tensile strength, and their conductivity can be engineered to make them insulating, conducting, or semiconducting
Forming Nanomaterials
1. Bottom-up method: using specially designed molecules or atoms in chemical reactions to build up new nanoparticles
2. Top-down method: using larger bulk material as the starting material and breaking it down