transmission of pathogen

Cards (8)

  • Pathogen’s Life cycle
    • travel from one host to another (transmission)
    • entering the host’s tissue
    • reproducing
    • leaving the host’s tissue
  • Direct transmission - passing a pathogen from host to new host, with no intermediary
  • Factors affecting direct transmission
  • other factors that affect transmission include social factors such as :
    overcrowding - many people living and sleeping together in one house
    poor ventilation
    poor health - particularly if a person has HIV/AIDS, as they are more likely to contract other disease
    poor diet
    living or working with people who have migrated from areas where a disease is more common
  • Direct transmission - passing a pathogen from host to new host, with no intermediary
  • Indirect transmission - passing a pathogen from host to new host, via a vector
  • tuberculosis is not transmitted easily; often takes living in close proximity to people with it for a long time before it is transmitted
  • Transmission of plant pathogens
    plant pathogens can be also spread by direct and indirect means
    Many pathogens are present in soil and will infect plants by entering roots - especially if these have been damaged as a result of replanting,burrowing animals or movement caused by a storm.
    Many fungi produce spores as a means of sexual or asexual reproduction. These spres may be carried in the wind - airborne transmission