
Cards (13)

  • primary season of repentance for all Christians, reflecting the forty days Jesus spent in the desert in fasting and prayer
  • ❏A season of penance, reflection and fasting which helps us remember what Jesus did for us and prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection
  • lent begins in
    ash wednesday
  • lent ends in easter triduum
  • what is easter triduum
    holy thursday, good friday, holy saturday
  • what does the ash symbolize
    mortality as well as our need for ongoing repentance.
  • Ashes are applied to our forehead in the sign of the cross as the words

    Repent and believe in the Gospel”
  • Ashes are prepared by
    burning palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebrations.
  • pillars of lent
    pray, fast, give
  • Catholics who are 14 years old until death are bound to practice the law of abstinence.
  • Catholics who are 18-59 years old are bound to practice the law of fasting
  • To be better able to pray and to be alert from the snares of the devil.
  • It is based on charity to love God and others as oneself.