Cards (16)

    Application MenuInfoCenterRibbon
    Drawing Tabs
    Drawing Area
    UCS icon
    Viewport controls
    Navigation Bar
    Command Window.Status Bar
  • APPLICATION MENU -It offers to help manage AutoCAD files. It is basically the File pull-down menu from earlier versions of AutoCAD. It Also gives a convenient way to find recently used files or to get to a file that you have already opened
  • RIBBON -where one will be selecting tools to draw, edit of perform other functions
  • INFOCENTER - is the AutoCAD online help facility. There one will find a comprehensive set of help topics and tools, including video tutorials and the standard help documentation.
  • DRAWING TABS -let you create new drawings or switch between open drawings in a way similar to popular web browsers.
  • DRAWING AREA -occupies most of the screen. Everything you draw appears in this area.
  • UCS ICON -tells you the orientation of the drawing. This icon becomes helpful as you start to work with complex 2D drawings and 3D models.
  • VIEWPORT CONTROL -offer menu options to control 3D and 2D views and visual styles, and they duplicate some of the functions of the ViewCUBE
  • VIEWCUBE -is primarily for 3D modeling. It offers the user the chance to view the different standard of their work by changing its orientation.
  • NAVIGATION BAR -offers tools that you can use to get around in your drawing. Basic tools like Zoom and Pan can be found here as well as some advance tools for viewing 3D models.
  • COMMAND WINDOW -gives you feedback about the AutoCAD commands as you use them. You can also type here
  • WORKSPACE -generally refers to the current “face” of the interface that you are using and allows you to change from 2D to 3D modeling easily. This command
    allows you create, modify and save workspaces
  • DRAWING UNITS -refer to the unit of measure used in creating a drawing.
  • For engineering drawings, the unit type to be used is usually in millimeters unless specified otherwise.
  • PAN -is a command used to drag the image you are working on around the drawing area
  • ZOOM -is a command used to enlarge a drawing to look closer into its details or make a drawing smaller to see the drawing as a whole.