Cards (14)

  • Made up of 5 - 10 thousand species
  • Sponges are simple, asymmetric, sessile animals
  • The sponge's body is built around a system of water canals
  • Poriferan water flow:
    1. Water enters through tiny holes called the ostia
    2. Water flows through ostia into the spongocoel
    3. Water exits through a large hole called the osculum
  • Sponges lack tissues, groups of specialized cells that perform a specific function
  • Skeletal structural elements that make up the framework of body of sponge
  • 3 sponge body types (in order of complexity):
    1. Asconoid
    2. No invaginations in body wall
    3. Syconoid
    4. Single spongocoel, many invaginations
    5. Leuconoid
    6. Multiple spongocoels
  • Sponge group that exhibits symmetry
    Barrel sponges
  • Collar cells or choanocytes are flagellated cells that circulate water and trap food
  • Larval stage of most sponges
  • Sponge groups based on spicule composition:
    1. Calcarea - Calcium Carbonate
    2. Other 3 groups - Silica
  • 4 sponge classes (CDHH):
    1. Calcarea
    2. Demospongiae
    3. Hexactinellida (Glass spicules)
    4. Homoscleromorpha
  • Used in Japanese weddings as a gift to a couple
    Genus Euplectella, common name Venus Flower Basket
  • Group that is cause of confusion phylogenetically