Cards (32)

  • Sensitive data are directly released to an unauthorized entity

    • Threat Action: Unauthorized Disclosure
    • Threat Consequence: Interception
  • An unauthorized entity directly accesses sensitive data traveling between authorized sources and destination
    Threat Action: Exposure
  • CIA Triad
    • Confidentiality: The information is safe from accidental or intentional disclosure
    • Availability: The information is available to authorized users when needed
    • Integrity: The information is safe from accidental or intentional modification or alteration
  • Types of System Intruders
    • Masquerader
    • Hacker
    • Clandestine User
  • Virus Stages
    1. Dormant Phase: Virus is Idle
    2. Propagation Phase: Virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs or into certain system areas on the disk
    3. Triggering Ph
  • A threat action whereby an unauthorized entity indirectly accesses sensitive data by reasoning from characteristics or byproducts of communication
    • Threat Action: Unauthorized Disclosure
    • Threat Consequence: Intrusion
  • Online safety, security, and rules of netiquette
    • Security should be built in, not bolt-on
    • Refers to the online security or safety of people and their information when using the internet
    • Network etiquette, the do’s and dont’s of online communication
  • Parts of Virus
    • Infection Mechanism
    • Trigger
    • Payload
  • An entity assumes unauthorized logical or physical control of a system resource
    • Threat Action: Usurpation
    • Threat Consequence: Misappropriation
  • Ten Rules of Netiquette
    • Rule no. 1: Remember the human
    • Rule no. 2: Adhere the same standards online that you follow in real life
    • Rule no. 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
    • Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth
    • Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good online
    • Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge
    • Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under control
    • Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy
    • Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power
    • Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes
  • A threat action that interrupts delivery of system services by hindering system operation

    • Threat Action: Deception
    • Threat Consequence: Masquerade
  • Pharming
    A more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS system
  • Rogue Security Softwares
    Is a form of malicious software and internet fraud that misleads users into believing there is a virus on their computer, and manipulates them into paying money for a fake malware removal tool
  • Trojan
    A malicious program designed that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information
  • Privacy Policy/Terms of Service
    Tells the user how the website will handle its data
  • Phishing
    Acquires sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details
  • Fair Use
    Means that an intellectual property may be used without consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticism, parodies, research, etc.
  • Keyword Searching
    1. Four Search Strategies
    2. Boolean
    3. Question
    4. Advanced
  • Spam
    Unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers
  • Copyright

    A part of law, wherein you have the rights to work, anyone who uses it without your consent is punishable by law
  • Keyloggers
    Used to record the keystrokes done by the user. This is done to steal passwords or any other sensitive information
  • Parts of Virus
    • Dormant Phase
    • Propagation Phase
    • Triggering Phase
    • Execution Phase
  • Worms
    A malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one file folder to another and also transfer to other computers
  • Spyware
    A program that runs in the background without you knowing it. It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through key logging
  • Adware
    A program designed to send you advertisements, mostly pop-ups
  • Malware
    Stands for malicious software
  • Virus Stages
    1. Virus is Idle
    2. Virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs or into certain system areas on the disk
    3. Virus is activated to perform the function for which it was intended
    4. Function is performed
  • Cybercrime

    A crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet
  • Keyword Searching
    1. Enter terms to search
    2. Use quotation marks to search as a phrase and keep words linked together
    3. AND – enter words connected with AND- it will include sites where both words are found
    4. OR – requires at least one of the terms is found
    5. NOT – searches for the first term and excludes sites that have the second term
    6. A question may be entered in the search field of a search engine
    7. Features are offered on many engines by going to an “Advanced search” page and making selections
    8. Effective in narrowing search returns to a specific topic or phrase
  • Types of System Intruders
    • Masquerader
    • Hacker
    • Clandestine User
  • Virus
    Malicious program designed to transfer from one computer to another in any means possible
  • internet safety
    Refers to the online security or safety of people and their informataion when using internet