Cards (7)

  • DRAWING LIMITS -set the size of one’s work area and prevents the user from drawing objects outside of the specified limits
  • LINE COMMAND -is one of the most commonly used commands in creating CAD drawings. It is one of the basic objects and is highly versatile in creating different objects.
  • POLAR TRACKING -helps restricts your line to an exact horizontal or vertical direction
  • CIRCLE COMMAND is used to create circle through different options
  • RECTANGLE COMMAND -allows you to create a rectangle in your drawing and can be accessed by typing rec or rectang on the command window or by clicking on the icon for rectangle on the Draw panel.
  • POLYGON COMMAND -This command allows you to create objects with multiple sides without the hassle of using lines and trimming down excesses.
  • ARC COMMAND -this command is generally used to create a curved edge for objects and designs.