Derivatives of lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation
1. Cytotoxic (killer) T cells secrete substances that kill other cells and play a major role in graft rejection
2. Null cells constitute 10-15% of blood lymphocytes
3. Helper T cells enhance the activity of some B cells and other T cells
4. Suppressor T cells inhibit the activity of some B cells and other T cells
5. Memory cells undergo blast transformation when stimulated by an antigen and return to an inactive state retaining the capacity to respond more quickly to the next encounter
6. Effector cells are the other daughter cells resulting from blast transformation that becomes activated to carry out an immune response to the antigen
7. Lymphokines are low molecular weight proteins produced primarily by T cells such as Macrophage Aggregating Factor (MAP), Mitogenic Factor (MF), and Interferon