Using technology too much can cause health problems
Eyestrain can be caused by looking at a device's screen for too long
What can be caused by looking at a device's screen for too long?
Eyestrain can be a particular problem if the device is used in bad lighting , the screen is flickering , or there is sunlight glare on the screen
Eyestrain can be prevented by using by using suitable lighting , keeping the screen a good distance away from your eyes , and taking regular breaks from your device
Repetitive Strain Injury is when parts of the body , usually fingers and wrists , become damaged as a result of repeated movements over a long period of time
An example of a repeated movement that can cause RSI is typing on a keyboard
RSI can be prevented by having correct posture , arranging your desk appropriately and taking regular breaks
Back problems can be caused by sitting at a computer for too long
Back pains are normally due to a poor posture
Back pains can be prevented by using an adjustable chair , foot rest and adjustable monitor to ensure you aren't sitting at an awkward angle
What problem can be caused by repeated movements over a long period of time?
Repetitive Strain Injury
What problem can be caused by sitting at a computer too long?