Monosaccharides are described by the formula (CH2O)n, giving a ratio of 1:2:1 for C:H:O, explaining the term "carbohydrates" as "carbon with water added"
Glucose is a constituent of many polysaccharides such as starch in plants and glycogen in animals, important in energy metabolism as a source of energy
A simple hexose sugar, a component of sucrose, a ketohexose, found in green plants, fruits, and honey, tastes sweeter than sucrose, used in soft drinks, canned fruits, and jam
In sugar-cane plants, sucrose accumulates in the stems; in beetroot plants, sucrose accumulates in modified root tubers, sources of sugar in tropical regions and Europe respectively
Disaccharide containing two molecules of glucose, occurs in high concentrations in germinating seeds of cereal plants, product of starch hydrolysis facilitated by amylase enzyme, structure illustrated in Figure 8