Temperature and Thermometer

Cards (13)

  • Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body. It measured using a thermometer. The SI unit is Kelvin (K). It is not an energy store and not transfer is possible.
  • Heat/ thermal energy is a form of energy that flows from a hotter body to a colder body. It is measured using a joulemeter. The SI unit is a joule. It is an energy store and can e transfered from one store to another
  • Scales of measuring temperature:
    1. Degree/ Celsius scale
    2. Kelvin/ Absolute scale
  • Celsius Scale: It is based on melting point of pure ice and pure water. These two are called lower and upper fixed point respectively with temperatures of 0°C and 100°C.
    • Lower fixed point: It is determined by placing a thermometer in pure melting ice.
    • Upper fixed point: It is determined by placing a thermometer above boiling water
  • To convert degree Celsius to Kelvin add 273. 
    To convert Kelvin to degree Celsius subtract 273. 
  • Types of thermometers
    -> Liquid-in-glass thermometer
    ->Minimum and maximum
    ->Doctor's thermometer
    ->Digital thermometer
  • Liquid-in-glass thermometer:
    It has the following features
    1. Thin-walled bulb->this is where the liquid is stored. The wall is thin so that heat can easily flow in and out of the bulb
    2. Thick-walled stem-> this makes the thermometer stronger and magnifies the reading
    3. Capillary tube/bore-> it is thin and uniform cross-section area. Uniform cross-section area makes it possible to come up with the scale
    4. Safety bulb-> it gives room for the liquid to expand into increase of overheating. It prevents the cracking of the thermometer
  • MERCURY: Strengths
    -> Expands uniformly
    -> Doesnt wet the glass
    -> It is a good thermal conductor
    -> It is opaque hence visible
    -> Very high boiling point
  • MERCURY: Weaknesses
    -> It expands less than alcohol
    -> It is very poisonous hence dangerous incase the thermometer breaks
    -> It has a high melting point
  • ALCOHOL: Strengths
    -> It has a low-melting point
    -> It expands more times than mercury making a small change noticeable
  • ALCOHOL: Weaknesses
    -> It is colorless hence needs dying
    -> It wets the glass
  • Doctor's/clinical thermometer
    It is a liquid in glass thermometer that is different from the ordinary laboratory thermometer discussed above by:
    • a short range of scale between 35-42°C
    • an extra thin capillary tube
    • triangular stem
  • Thermocouple thermometer
    It consists of 2 wires made of 2 different materials connected together at two junctions, the cold and the hot junction.