Series and Parallel Circuits

Cards (9)

  • Give two ways a component can be connected in a circuit?
    Series (same loop)
    Paralell (adjacent loop)
  • How does current across two components vary when connected in a series and parallel circuit?
    Series: Total Potential Difference is shared between each component.
    Parallel: Potential Difference across each component is the same.
  • If two resistors are connected in parallel, what can be said about their combined total resistance?
    Their total resistance is less then the smallest of the two individual resistances.
  • If two resistors are connected in series, what can be said about their total resistance?
    Their total combined resistance is equal to the sum of the two individual resistances.
  • Describe the current in a series circuit.
    The current is the same at all positions since the charge only has one path to flow through.
  • Describe the current in a parallel circuit.
    The current is shared between the different branches. When the charged reaches a junction it splits.
  • How should you connect an ammeter in a circuit to measure current?
    Ammeters should be connected in series with the component they are measuring current through.
  • How should you connect a voltmeter in a circuit to measure potential difference?
    Voltmeters should be connected in parallel.
  • Why is advantageous to connect lamps in parallel?
    If one lamp blows, the rest will be unaffected and can still recieve current.