a virtuous person will have practical wisdom, so will have these feelings at the right time, on the right occasion, towards the right people, for the right motive and in the right way
each virtue lies in the mean of two vices (excess and deficiency)
what is Alistair ManIntyre's view of virtue theory
- argues virtue theory is still the best way of defining moral behaviour
- we need to return to recognising family and community as important (developing virtues for benefit of others not just ourselves) rather than being individualistic or isolated, traits which developed after the enlightenment (e.g. Kant's focus on reason alone)
- he assesses the ways virtues have changed over time, for example how cunning changed to wisdom, and the addition of the theological virtues and concludes we have abandoned the virtues, coming up with 3 archetypal characters (manager, aesthete and therapist)
deontology - Kant would say this is using yourself as an means to an end and breaching your perfect duty to self. Kant calls it irrational and you wouldn't want it to be universalised
virtue ethics: most compassionate to allow for euthanasia in certain circumstances as you cannot flourish/fulfill your ergon in pain. but you could argue suicide is hedonistic (driven by pain) and you can't fulfill your function if you're dead
- recognises that bad people don't have to have acted badly to be bad (e.g. case of loner in mental turmoil)
- wholistic as it recognises the importance of human emotions and relationships when decision-making (e.g. seeing a homeless person inspires more compassion than making a monthly donation to charity)
- encourages moral wisdom not just rule learning (e.g. categorical imperative and felicific calculus)
- is not prescriptive and displaces rules as they're not entirely useful (flexible, allows for cultural differences)
- brings communities together with one focus (eudaimonia)
- encourages us to take pleasure in being virtuous, rather than doing it for the sake of duty
- rejects the idea that every moral issue can be solved