primal instincts that can go against societal standards (make us uncomfortable)
Primitive/ selfish part of our personality. operates on the 'pleasure principle.'
rational part of our personality, operates on the 'reality principle' - moderates the demands of the ID and the superego
the moral conscience control judgements operates on the 'morality principle'
ego should moderate the superego and the ID. if the ID become dominant leads to impulsivity, dominance . If superego dominant leads to extremely morality and judgemental.
Oral stage?
(0-1 yrs) pleasure gained from sucking activities
Anal stage?
(1-3yrs)Pleasure gained from bowel control
Phallic stage?
(3-5yrs)Pleasure gained from genital area
Latency stage?
(6-12 yrs)stage off- repression of early years
Genital stage?
(12+ yrs) Pleasure gained from heterosexual relationships
Psychosexual stages?
Freud believed that we get pleasure from different parts of our bodies. over and under gratification at a certain stage can lead to being stuck at that stage
Oedipal Complex?
Phallic stage. boys desire their mothers resent fathers. develop castration anxiety. bond with father internalise father morality develop superego.
Little Hans?
Case study- Hans had a phobia of horses. Hans had a interest in genital area, Freud linked fear of horses to it's genitals. Horse represents Han's father who will castrate him (Bite) if he finds out about Hans attraction to his mother.
Psychodynamic approach is psychic deterministic. Takes away any free will and states all behaviours are innate.
Since we are unaware of the unconscious then, it not possible to be scientifically and objectively measured. pseudoscience so unfalsifiable. ?
Nomothetic- Applies the same theory to all people.
Case Studies- cannot be generalised so lacks ecological validity. Qualitative data- very subjected can be manipulated by researcher (researcher bias)
Practical applications- Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis used in modern day psychology. It has temporal validity. and usefulness
Theory (Oedipal Complex) - only about males so it suffers from Alpha bias.
Elektra complex?
girl desires father, realizes doesn't have a penis. developed penis envy. represses feeling replaces want for penis with want for a baby. The girl blames mother for castrated state. girl repress tensions and identifies with mother.