what do Buddhists believe about (racial) equality and what are the criticisms
- enlightenment is accessible to all
- prejudice and discrimination based on hatred and ignorance (3 fires). should be fought with 3 virtues
- Right intention, speech and action (eightfold path)
- ahimsa (principle of non-harm) extends to psychological harm
- Buddhism rejects caste system due to inequality
- within monk Sangha, all monastics equal (same robes, hair etc.)
- Karuna: compassion for all
- mindfulness: reflection, makes one think about actions
- Buddha aims to alleviate suffering of all people
- all equal as we're all subject to the natural laws of change, age, sickness, death and karma
- Buddha says in Sutta Nipata: we all have the same anatomy, so to judge someone based on their skin colour is blind
- However: monastic Sangha is still sexist, female monks considered inferior, western Buddhism mainly attracts middle class white, some BME Buddhists have reported discrimination and POC Sanghas set up as a result