Amino acids joined by peptide bonds to form a polypeptide chain, formed by condensation reactions
Condensation reactions = forming of a chemical bond by the elimination of water
Hydrolysis reaction = breaking of a bond by the addition of water
Structure of protein:
primary structure - sequence of amino acid in a polypeptide chain
secondary structure - determined by the arrangement of hydrogen bonds between carboxylic acid and amino group -> folding of the primary structure to give alpha helix and beta-pleated sheets
tertiary structure - specific 3D shape due to folding of secondary structure -> held in place by disulphide bridges (s), ionic bonds (chargedRgroup), hydrogen bonds (between R groups)
quarternary structure - one or more polypeptide chains bonded together -> bonds form between R bonds, same bonding as tertiary
Disulphide bridges = strong covalent bonds form between R-groups containing sulphur atoms
only tertiary and quarternary
Ionic bonds = form between R groups with charges
only tertiary and quarternary
Hydrophobic interactions = when polypeptidechainsfold, hydrophobic R-group cluster close to each other in the interior of the folded chains
doesn’t interact with water
Hydrophilic interactions = R-groups are on the outside,attracted to water
Interact with water
Peptide bonds = join amino acids to form primary structures
long strands formed from long parallel polypeptide chains joined together
have a structural use
insoluble in water
maximum is secondary structure
e.g. Keratin, collagen
often have spherical or globular structure
often carry out metabolicfunctions
can be soluble in water
can be tertiary or quarternary
catalysereactions , enable transport across membranes
e.g. Hormones
Test for Proteins:
Mix Solution with biuret reagent in a boilingtube
Cover the top of the boilingtube and invert it once