2.3 Algorithms

Cards (15)

  • Linear search: An array is looped through. Inside the for loop, an if statement checks for the search item. If the search item is found the loop breaks.
  • Binary Search:
    start = 0
    end = 4
    found = false
    while (found == false AND start <= end)
    midpoint = (start + end) DIV 2
    if (num[midpoint] == item) then
    found = true
    elseif (num[midpoint] > item)end = midpoint -1
    start = midpoint +1
  • A*: A faster version of Dijkstra. Uses heuristics to reach the goal node only, unlike Dijkstra which finds the shortest path to every node. Used when speed is more important than accuracy.
  • Dijkstra: Iterative path finding algorithm which finds the shortest path in a graph. Node / Visited / Cost / Prevy Nodes
    Costs are all set to infinity initially --> While there are unvisited nodes, you find the one with the lowest cost, and for each unvisited neighbour you calculate the new cost.
  • Time complexity:
    How much time an algorithm requires to solve a particular problem. Is measured by big-o notation, and shows the effectiveness of the algorithm.
    It shows the amount of time taken relative to the number of data elements given as an input.
  • Binary Big O Notation:
    Best = O(1)
    Average = O(log n)
    Worst = O(log n)
  • Insertion Big O Notation:
    Best = O(n)
    Average = O(n^2)
    Worst = O(n^2)
  • Linear Big O Notation:
    Best = O(1)
    Average = O(n)
    Worst = O(n)
  • Bubble Big O Notation:
    Best = O(n)
    Average = O(n^2)
    Worst = O(n^2)
  • Space complexity:
    Is the amount of storage the algorithm takes. It is also expressed using Big O Notation. They store extra data whenever they make a copy, and this can get expensive in big datasets.
  • Stack push:
    procedure push(item)
    if stackPointer == 10 then
    print("Stack is full")
    stackItems[stackPointer] = item
    stackPointer ++
  • Stack pop:
    function pop()
    if stackPointer == 0 then
    print("Stack empty")
    return null
    stackPointer --
  • Insertion Sort:
    for (i = 1 to array.length - 1)
    key = array[i]
    j = i - 1
    while (j >= 0 AND array[j] > key)
    array[j+1] = array[j]
    array[j+1] = key
    next i
  • Bubble Sort 2

    temp = myNumbers[j-1]
    myNumbers[j-1] = myNumbers[j]
    myNumbers[j] = temp
    swapped = true
    next j
    if (swapped == false) then
    next i
  • Bubble Sort 1

    for (i=0 to myNumbers.length-2)
    swapped = false
    for (j = 1 to myNumbers.length-1-i)
    if (myNumbers[j-1] > myNumbers[j])