
Cards (14)

  • organic analogy
    all institutions work together like a human body
  • how do they view family?
    beneficial & necessary for smooth running society
  • Murdock (1949) 

    -examined 250 societies (hunter gathers to industrial)
    -found families is universal
    -4 essential functions
    -argues only nuclear families carry out essential functions
  • Murdock's 4 functions
    -stable satisfaction of sex drive
    -reproduction of next generation
    -socialisation of young
    -satisfaction of members' economic needs
    pen knife analogy
  • critique of Murdock overall
    -reductionist > oversimplifies family
    -other institutions / family types can perform functions
    -doesn't account for family diversity
    -'rose-tinted' view, doesn't consider conflict
  • pre-industrial family - Parsons
    -extended family
    -unit of production
    -ascribed status (born into status)
  • post-industrial family - Parsons
    -isolated nuclear family
    -unit of consumption
    -geographically & socially mobile (need to move around for work)
  • two essential roles of family - Parsons
    -primary socialisation of young
    -stabilisation of adult personalities
  • stabilisation of adult personalities
    -family a place to relax & release tension
    -sexual division creates stability
    -warm-bath theory
  • Parsons - functional fit theory
    -evolution of nuclear family
    -type of family fits society's structure & functions it performs change as society changes
  • how does Parsons see pre-industrial family
    -have more responsibility
    -multi-functional : self sufficient
    provided own education & healthcare
  • Parsons strengths
    -more valid than Murdock > social context taken into account
    > moulded to timeframe
  • Parsons criticisms
    -Feminist : 'families can relax' > patriarchal, women can't
    -Marxist : Parsons says family is institution that creates more
    consumption, tool of oppression
    Marxists say this is bad
  • the new right
    -containing traditional values
    -conservative viewpoint on family
    -biologically based division of labour
    -families should be self reliant > not rely on state welfare