Atoms and Nuclear radiation

Cards (13)

  • Why do unstable nuclei give out radiation?
    Unstable nuclei undergo radiation to become stable
    As they release radiation their stability increases
  • Define the activity of the unstable nucleus.
    Activity is the rate of decay.
  • What is the unit of radioactive decay?
    Becquerel (Bq)
  • What is count rate?
    The number of radioactive decays per second
  • What can measure count rate?
    Geiger-Muller tube
  • State 4 types of nuclear radiation?
    Alpha particles, Beta particles, Gamma ray, Neutrons
  • What is an alpha particle?
    An alpha particle is a helium nucleus; 2 protons, 2 neutrons
  • Name the penetrating power of the radiations
    Alpha - A few centimeters (2-10cm)
    Beta - A thin sheet of Aluminium
    Gamma - Several centimeters of lead
  • List the radiations in type of ionising power
  • Describe the nature of radioactive decay?
    Which nuclei decays and is determined by chance
    It is impossible to predict when it happens
  • Define the half-life of a radioactive isotope.
    The time it takes for the number of unstable nuclei in a substance to halve
    The time it takes for the count rate to fall to half its level
  • What is radioactive contamination?
    The presence of unwanted radioactive nuclei on materials
  • What is irradiation?
    Exposure to radioactive material, the material does NOT become radioactive