Psychodynamic approach

Cards (21)

  • 3 assumptions of psychodynamic approach:
    Influence of childhood experiences, unconscious mind & tripartite personality.
  • What is the tripartite personality?

    Adult personality structured into 3 parts that develop at different stages in life.
  • What is the 'Id'?
    Impulsive & unconscious part of personality-present at birth. Demands immediate satisfaction (pleasure principle). Main aim- to gain pleasure & gratification at any cost. Dominant id could lead to psychopathic personality type.
  • What is the 'ego'?
    Conscious, rational part of mind, develops around age 2. Works out realistic ways of balancing demands of Id in a socially acceptable way. Governed by reality principle. Id & superego often in conflict- ego acts as referee & resolve conflict, considering consequences of person's actions.
  • What is the 'superego'?
    Forms around age 4. Embodies child's sense of right & wrong as well as their ideal self. Seeks to perfect & civilise our behaviour. Learned through identification with one's parents & others.
  • What are the psychosexual stages of development?
    Psychological development in childhood takes place in series of key stages. Each stage represents fixation of libido on a different area of body. Problems at any stage can result in fixation of body part associated with that stage- has long-lasting effects on personality.
  • Oral stage:
    0-18 months. Origin of libido & source of pleasure: mouth-sucking, chewing, swallowing & biting. Key events: breastfeeding, weaning onto solid food. Frustration: pessimism, envy, sarcasm. Overindulgence: optimism, gullibility, neediness. E.g, anorexia or bulimia.
  • Anal stage:

    18 months- 3 years. Anus-withholding, expelling, playing with faeces. Potty training. Frustration: stubborn, possessive, overly tidy. Overindulgence: messy, disorganised, reckless.
  • Phallic stage:
    3-5 years. Genitals-masturbation. Oedipus complex leads to superego & gender identity. Self-assured, vain, may have problems with sexuality & difficulty building & maintaining relationships in adulthood.
  • Latency stage:
    5 years- puberty. Little/no sexual motivation. Acquiring knowledge & understanding of world. No fixations as no pleasure focus.
  • Genital stage:

    Puberty onwards. Genitals-heterosexual intercourse. Well-developed adult personality, well adjusted (if complexes during phallic stage are resolved).
  • What can fixation occur through?
    Frustration-stage hasn't been resolved as needs haven't been met (child undersatisfied). Overindulgence- needs of child have been more than satisfied, child feels too comfortable & reluctant to move onto next stage.
  • What is the conscious mind?

    Part of mind we are aware of- everyday thoughts & feelings. Logical.
  • What is the preconscious mind?
    Thoughts & memories not accessible at all times, but easily recalled.
  • What is the unconscious mind?
    Not logical & ruled by pleasure seeking. Can't be directly accessed, but expresses itself indirectly, e.g, through dreams. Deep, dark, shameful part- repressed thoughts, memories & feelings. Determines much of our behaviour (we are motivated by unconscious emotional drives).
  • What does the unconscious mind contain?
    Unresolved conflicts that have huge effect on our behaviour & experience. Conflicts so threatening that they appear in disguised forms (symbols). Many conflicts show up in our fantasies & dreams.
  • What is a 'Freudian slip'?
    You say something which accidentally reveals your unconscious desire. Can often be sexual or violent.
  • What are ego defence mechanisms?
    Conflicts between Id, ego & superego create anxiety. Ego protects itself with various ego defences. Defences can be cause of disturbed behaviour if they are overused.
  • What is regression?
    Ego defence mechanism. Returns psychologically to earlier stage of development rather than handling unacceptable impulses in more adult way. E.g, boy who can't deal with what he perceives as maternal rejection when new sibling born may regress to earlier stage by soiling clothes & becoming more helpless.
  • What is repression?

    Pushing painful memories deep down into unconscious mind so effectively forgotten. Ego defence mechanism.
  • What is projection?
    Undesirable thoughts attributed to someone else (ego defence mechanism).