Validity of acts of the other two branches of gov.
McCulloch v. Maryland 1819
States did not have powerto tax the federal gov.
"Necessary and Proper" Clause
Schenk v. US 1919
Invented the "clear and danger" test to determine when a state could consitiutionally limit an individual's free speech rights under the 1st Amendment
Contributed to the 14th Amendment
Brown v. Board of Education 1954
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the priviledges of citizens of the US
Baker v. Carr 1961
Established the right of federal courts to review redistricting issues
Engel v. Vitale 1962
Struck down prayer in public schools
Private schools could be religious
Gideon v. Wainwright1963
Guaranteeing the right to legalcounsel for criminaldefendants in federal and state courts
14th Amendment creates a right for criminal defendants who cannotpay for a lawyer
Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
Cemented students' rights to free speech in public schools
NY Times Co. v. US 1971
Defended the 1st Amendment right of free press against prior restraint by the gov.
Wisconsin v. Yoker 1972
Established the precedent that an individual's right to exercise their religious beliefs under the 1st Amendment
Shaw v. Reno 1993
US Congressional Districts cannot be "drawn" based solely or primarily on race
US v. Lopez 1995
Reaffirmed the balance of power between the federal gov. and state govs.
DC v. Heller 2008
Established the individual right to possess firearms for self-defense in the home
McDonald v. Chicago 2010
Made it possible that the right to keep and bear arms can be for non-militia purposes
Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission 2010
1st Amendment prohibits limits on corporate funding of independent broacasts in candidate elections
Miranda v. Arizona 1966
Ruled that an arrested individual is entitled to rights against self-incrimination and to an attorney under the 5th and 6th Amendments
Bush v. Gore2000
Ruled that the state of Florida's court-ordered manual recount of vote ballots in the 200 presidential election was unconstitutional under the "Equal Protection Clause" of the 14th Amendment
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette 1943
1st Amendment prevents school officials from compelling a student and salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegience
Mapp v. Ohio 1961
Ruled that evidence seized unlawfully, w/o a search warrant cannot be used in criminal prosecutions in state courts
Gitlow v. New York 1925
Enabled prohibitions on speech that simply advocated potential violence