Components are defined during architectural design
Internal data structures and processing details of each component are NOT represented at this level of abstraction
Component level of Design
data structure
communication to each component
What is a component?
Object Oriented view: a component with a set of collaborating classes
Traditional View: has internal processing logic, data structures that are needed to implement processing logic. Also has an interface that lets component be invoked and get data
Process-related view: using reusable software or patterns to build systems
Components in a component diagram act in what way ?
They act in a need to know basis. This means each component has one clear aim and only interacts with other essential elements.
Class-based Component-Level Design
To make sure all interfaces that allow the classes to communicate and collaborate; start off with a design model and elaborate analysis classes and infrastructure classes
Traditional Component Design
focused on how the software product operates and the components around it that are needed to complete the product.
Components are first defined in a hierarchical manner
start by defining components that focus on control
Problem domain components are at the bottom of the hierarchy
There are 3 main component roles
Control- A component that coordinates how components of all other problem domains are invoked
A component that implements a complete or partial function that the customer requires
Infrastructure:-A component that is responsible for functions that help processing that the problem domain requires
The Open Closed Principle (OCP) Component Design Principle
module (component) should be open for extension but closed for modification
This means you can extended the component in the functional domain without needing to make changes to code or logic of the component
Use abstraction to do this- acts as buffer between the function that is being extended and the design class
Solution: create a new abstract class and override it for each instance
The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) Component Design Principles
Subclasses should be substitutable for their base classes
objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without affecting the correctness of the program
if you pass a component to a subclass instead of the base class it should continue to function properly
All pre and post conditions that need to be true for the base class should also be true for the sub classes
LSP Cont....
Violation example: creating a square that extends the rectangle class because you are making the assumption that a Square is a sub-class of a Rectangle and there could be operators defined in rectangle that don't apply to square
Solution: Define a Square as a separate Shape (Shape is an Interface that defines a getArea abstract operator
Basically get rid of setter operators
The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) Component Design Principle
Depend on abstractions not on concrete components
The more a component depends on other compoenets (instead of abstractions) the harder it will be to extend it
if you dispense design and hack out code (code is the ultimate “concrete implementation.”) You’re violating DIP
Ex- only having one delivery driver and he's sick
Solution: Create the DeliveryService interface and implement it in the DeliveryDriver
Refactor DeliverCompany so that it depends on the DeliverService interface
The Interface Segregation Principle ISP Component Design Principle
A lot of client-specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface
create a specialized interface to serve each major category of clients
Violation of ISP Example
There is a Car Interface and Mustang class that implementsthat Interface.
We want to add a new car, DeLorean, that can travel in time so new operators are defined in the Interface.
Problem us that Mustang must also implement these operators
Solution: add another interface called TimeMachine and have DeLorean implement both interfaces
The SOLID Principles
Were introduced in the early 2000s
Mostly applied where interfaces are readily available (OO software/component design)
Give us high cohesion and low coupled software that is; easy to maintain, extend, and robust
The developer commits to establish a release control system that supports and maintains older versions of the entity while the users slowly upgrade to the most current version
Examples: Windows, Ios updates
Additional Design Principles - Common Closure Principle (CCP)
Classes that change together belong together
If classes are packed as part of a design then they should address the same functional and behavioral area
Additional Design Principles - (CRP) Common Reuse Principle
Classes that aren’t reused together should not be grouped together.
Pragmatic Component-Level Design Guidelines
Components: naming should be like you would name methods. Naming conventions should be established for components that are part of the architectural model. They should be refined and elaborated as part of the component-level model
Interfaces: provide info about communication and collaboration and help us achieve OCP
Dependencies and Inheritance: model dependencies from left to right and inheritance from bottom (subclass) to top (parent class).
Conducting Component-Level Design Steps
Identify design classes in the problem domain
Identify design classes in the infrastructure domain
Elaborate design classes that are not reusable components
(3a) message details when classes/components collaborate
(3b) appropriate interfaces for each component
(3c) Elaborate attributes and define data type and structures required to implement them
(3d) Describe processing flow within each operation
(4) Describe data sources (databases and files) and identify the classes to manage them
Component-Level Design for WebApps
WebApp component is
a well-defined cohesive function that manipulates content, provides computational or data processing for an end-user.
a cohesive package of content and functionality that provides end-user with some capability
is both functional and content design
Traditional Component-Level Design
does not encapsulate data the same way as OO components. It focuses on functions and data structures of the software
Design of processing logic is based on principles of algorithm design and structured programming rules.
Design of data structures is defined by the data model
Design of interfaces is dependent on collaborations that a component must effect