Correlation is a measure of the relationship between variables
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two sets of data.
Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient (r) is the most common correlation coefficient, ranges from -1 to +1
On a scatterplot, the predictor (IV) goes on the x-axis and the criterion (DV) goes on y-axis.
If it’s unclear which is predictor and criterion then axis doesn’t matter
PerfectPositive Correlation
High Positive Correlation
LowPositive Correlation
No Correlation
LowNegative Correlation
HighNegative Correlation
PerfectNegative Correlation
Perfect correlation: if X is 1, Y should be 1
Positive correlation: if X goes up, Y goes up
r = 0: no correlation
r = 1: perfectpositive correlation
r = -1: perfectnegative correlation
negative correlation: if X goes up, Y goes down
correlation coefficient (r): measures the strength/direction of relationship between two variables
If regression line rises from left to right the correlation coefficient is positive
If regression line falls from left to right the correlation coefficient is negative
Strength: The closer the data points are to the regression line the stronger correlation
Strength: the closer the correlation coefficient is +1 or -1, the stronger the correlation. The closer the coefficient is to 0, the weaker the correlation
.09 or .69: which is the stronger correlation?
-.78 or .42: which is the stronger correlation?
-.45 or .45: which is the stringer correlation?
can you infer causation from correlation?
0 to +- .25 = weak correlation
+- .25 to +- .75 = moderate correlation
+- .75 to +- 1 = strong correlation
It’s possible to have a weak correlation that is statistically significant if the sample size is large enough
It’s possible to have a strong correlation that is not statistically significant if sample size is small enough
APA format: There is a significant positive correlation between variable 1 and 2 r(4)=.99, p < .001. Specifically, as variable 1 increases, variable 2 increases.
r(df) = (n-2)
Spearman’s r is the correlation between ranked (ordered) variables
APA format: There is a significant positive correlation between variable 1 and 2, r(4)=.89, p = .02. Specifically, as variable increases, variable 2 increases.
point biserial correlation is correlation between one continuous variable and one dichotomous variable
dichotomous variable is a variable that can only take two values, such as male or female, yes or no, high or low
Dichotomous variables are coded with a number, the number is nominal (a label) and not quantitive. Such as 1 for female and 2 for male