The life cycle of Apicomplexa involves alternating stages between sexual reproduction within the definitive host and asexual reproduction within intermediate hosts.
Sporozoans are unicellular parasites that reproduce by binary fission or multiple fissions.
Sporozoa belong to phylum apicomplexa
Anopheles the mosquito vector of malaria
Zygote/ ookinete ( fertilizer egg)
Oocysts ( matured egg )
Sporozoite is a motile, infective form of few sporozoans that is an outcome of sporogony/ schizogony ( occurs inside of anopheles vector ) initiating an asexual cycle in the new host
Gametocyte - gametes produced from zygotes
Hypnozoite - sleeping form malaria due to reactivation of Malaria at liver cell
Recrudescence / relapse infection
Exoerythrocytic cycle - inside of liver cell
Erythrocytic cycle - inside of RBC
RING forms
Typically ring
Geimsa stain
The space inside is vacoules
Cytoplasmic circle and chromatin dot
Visible brownpigment
IMMATURE schizonts
Occupies more space within RBC
MATURE schizonts
Fully develop of merozoites
Except P. vivax
Male sex cell
Cytoplasm more pale
Chromatin mass pink to purple
Female sex cell
Cytoplasm darker, deeper blue
Incubation period : 8-40 days
Tertian malaria: 48 days
Quartian malaria: 72 days
Malignant tertian malaria ( fatal type) - P. falciparum