Key terms

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  • Genotype = The underlying genetic constitution of an organism
  • Phenotype = the physical expression of the genotype taking into account the environment
  • Gene = a sequence of nucleotide bases that code for a polypeptide
  • Locus = the position of a gene on a particular DNA molecule
  • Allele = an alternative form of a gene
  • Haploid cell = a cell containing a single set of chromosomes
  • Diploid cell = a cell containing two sets of chromosomes
  • Homologous pair = two pieces of DNA within a diploid organism which carry the same genes, one from each parent
  • Homozygous = the allele on each of the chromosome is the same
  • Heterozygous = the alleles on each chromosome are different
  • Dominant allele = the allele that expresses itself in the phenotype regardless of any other alleles
  • Recessive allele = an allele that only expresses itself when two copies are present
  • Homozygous dominant = 2 dominant alleles
  • Homozygous recessive = 2 recessive alleles
  • Co-dominance = 2 alleles are equally dominant and equally recessive, so are both expressed in the phenotype
  • Multiple alleles = when a gene has more than 2 forms
  • Recombinant offspring = offspring with a different combination of characteristics to their parents
  • How are recombinant offspring produced?
    Crossing over during meiosis
  • Sexosome = the 23rd chromosome, containing either XX for females or XY for males
  • Autosomal linkage = when 2 or more genes are carried on the same autosome
  • Autosomes = non-sex chromosomes
  • Epistasis = when one gene effects the expression of another gene - 2 genes on different chromosomes affect the same feature
  • Dominant Epistasis = a dominant allele at one locus masks the expression of alleles at a second locus
  • Recessive Epistasis = recessive alleles at one locus mask the expression of alleles at a second locus
  • Complementary epistasis = the presence of a particular allele at each locus is required for an expression of a particular phenotype