Romanian orphan studies

Cards (3)

  • Reactive attachment disorder
    An extreme lack of sensitive responsiveness from a parent, child growing up unable to trust or love others.  They become isolated and very selfish and unable to understand the needs of others can become sociopathic without a conscience, they can have a lack of remorse.
  • Disinhibited attachment
    select attachment figures indiscriminately and behave in an overly familiar fashion with complete strangers, for example being friendly and affectionate.
     It seems to be caused by long periods of institutional care in early life, children may adapt to having multiple caregivers (all of whom are not seen enough to form a secure attachment) during the sensitive period for attachment formation. 
     often have other behavioural disorders too including attention seeking.  (Zeenah et al)
  • Cognitive impairment
    Cognitive impairment is a delay in intellectual development, an individual would have a low IQ and problems with concentration (Rutter et al), moreover they may have difficulty in learning new concepts and behaviours.