In-text citation uses the (1) Author's Name, (2) Date of Publication of the Source, and (3) The Page number where you found the information.
Referencing List contains the following: Author's name, Date of Publication, The Page Number, Publisher, Place of Publishing, Volume, Edition, and Other relevant information.
What are the 3 guidelines for In-text Citations?
(1) By Author or writer, (2) By Topic, (3) Chronological
An example of by Author or Writer is "Cruz (2002) states that research is …"
An example of by topic is "Accordingly, research is … (Rio, 2000; Luna & Magsaysay, 2005)"
An example of Chronological is "Yu (2005) states that …", "And (2007) discussed about…"
What are the 3 most common citation styles?
[1] American Psychological Association (APA), [2] Modern Language Association (MLA), [3] Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)
What are the formats of citation styles as discussed by Torneo and Clamor-Torneo (2017)?
APA, MLA, Chicago
APA Citation Style uses hanging indention. All lines, except the first one, must be indented by 0.5 from the left.
MLA Citation Style uses hanging indention format. Subsequent lines of each entry must be indented by 0.5 from the left.
APA follows an author-date format.
MLA follows an author- page format.
Chicago has two types of citation style: Notes & Bibliography System and Author-Date System.