psychodynamic approach

Cards (22)

  • Sigmund Freud
    one of first psychologists to acknowledge that our unconscious minds can control our behaviour
    suggested behaviours determined by psychological factors more than biological and environmental factors
  • 4 parts to Freund's theory
    1 - the role of the unconscious
    2 - the structure of personality
    3 - defence mechanisms
    4 - psychosexual stages
  • the role of the unconscious
    iceberg metaphor
    Freudian slips = unconscious mind revealing itself , during dreams or slips of the tongue
    = when the ego cant censor the id
  • the structure of personality
    ID - desires/instincts
    EGO = balance
    SUPEREGO = conscience
  • the Id
    present from birth
    only in unconscious
    follows pleasure principle , demands immediate satisfaction regardless of circumstance
  • the Ego
    next part of personality to develop = around 2 years old
    resolves conflict between id and superego
    follows reality principle, must compromise between the impulsive id and moralistic superego
    uses defence mechanisms
  • the superego
    develops at about 5 years old
    sense of right and wrong
    based on the morality principle
    it punishes the ego for any 'wrongdoing' through ego
  • abnormality
    imbalance in the 3 parts of the mind leads to abnormality
    id too strong = destructive and immoral behaviour
    superego too strong = phobias and OCD
  • defence mechanisms
    ego defence mechanisms - operate unconsciously and work by distorting reality to anxiety is reduced - stops the individual from becoming aware of unpleasant thoughts and feelings associated with a traumatic situation
  • 3 defence mechanisms
    repression - unconscious blocking unacceptable thoughts and impulses, continue to influence behaviour without individual being aware of reasons behind their behaviour
    denial - refusing to acknowledge some aspects of reality
    displacement - redirect feelings to another target
  • psychosexual development
    Freud believed personality develops through childhood - need to pass through the 5 stages successfully to develop a strong EGO
    each stage sexual energy (libido) is expressed and discharged in different ways through different parts of body
    conflict that's unresolved leads to fixations
  • stage 1 - oral
    birth - 1 year
    only id present
    focus of pleasure = mouth
    object of desire = mothers breast
    key conflict = weaning
    symptoms of oral fixation = smoking, nail biting
  • stage 2 - anal stage 

    focus of pleasure - anus
    child experiences pleasure from the withholding and expelling faeces
    key conflict = potty training , restricts on when and where child can defecate
    fixation can lead to anally retentive/expulsive personality
  • stage 3 - phallic stage
    3-5 years
    focus of pleasure - genital area
    conflicts = Oedipus / Electra conflict
    Oedipus = castration anxiety , boys sexually attracted to mothers, father is love rival - learn to identify with him and use him as model for moral behaviour
    Electra = penis envy , girls have penis envy and in love with father , replaces envy with desire to have a child , leads to identification with mother
    fixation can lead to phallic personality
  • fixation at phallic stage
    men - anxiety and guilty feelings about sex, fear of castration and narcissistic personality
    women - implied women never progress pass this stage and will always have penis envy
  • stage 4 - latency
    age 6-pubety
    earlier conflicts are repressed to allow children to focus energy on other aspects of life
    sexual urges directed to sports and hobbies
    focus on developing same sex friends
  • stage 5 - genital
    puberty (12+)
    task is to develop healthy adult relationships
    should happen if earlier stages have been negotiated successfully
  • strength
    development of psychodynamic approach as an explanation of human behaviour represented a huge shift in psychological thinking and was very influential at the time , led to greater acceptance of abnormality due to its view that everyone suffered internal conflicts
  • strength
    has positive application , Freud proposed a new form of therapy called psychoanalysis which uses a range of techniques to access the unconscious mind - free association and dream analysis
  • weakness
    Sue and Sue argues that it has little relevance for people from non-western cultures
  • weakness
    Freud based his research on in-depth detailed analysis of his own limited number of patients - cant genialise to other people , unlikely that one patent is representative of the wider population
  • weakness

    philosopher of science , Karl Popper argued it doesn't meet the scientific criterion of falsification . lots of his concepts occur in the unconscious mind - making it impossible to test. 'pseudoscience' rather than a real science