Stress Inoculation training (SIT)

Cards (9)

  • What is SLT
    A stress management tool, which helps people identify stressors, develop skills to cope with them, and then practise the skills in real life situations.
  • 'Inoculation':
    ·         Vaccination, immunisation
    ·         Meichenbaum and Cameron (1973)
    ·         SIT is designed to protect us against stressors before they happen
    ·         We learn skills to cope with stressors, and then apply them when we encounter stressors in future
  • What is it?:
    ·         A version of CBT designed to target stress
    ·         Cognitive- tackles how we think
    ·         Behavioural- aims to change our behaviour
    ·         9-12 sessions over 2-3 months, but this is dependent on the client
    ·         Split into 3 sections
  • 1st phase: Cognitive preparation:
    ·         Therapist as a coach/facilitator
    ·         Works best when client and therapist work in ‘warm collaboration’
    ·         Work together to identify stressors
    ·         Changing thinking about stressors, e.g; seeing them as challenges, not threats
    ·         Breaking down overwhelming stressors into smaller parts to tackle
  • 2nd phase: Skill acquisition- (cognitive)
    ·         Choose skills based on clients’ needs
    ·         Toolbox of skills:
    ·         Relaxation: eg breathing exercises
    ·         Social skills- eg making small talk
    ·         Time management
    ·         Communication
    ·         Cognitive restructuring (thinking about stressful situations more positively, challenging distorted thinking)
    ·         Often uses self-talk: coping self-statements- ‘you’re in control, don’t panic’.
  • 2nd Phase: Skill acquisition- (behavioural)
    ·         Behavioural: Practise skills in therapy, visualise role play etc- safe environment to practise, modelled by therapist.
  • 3rd phase: Application and follow through
    ·         Transferring new skills to real world
    ·         Homework- set by therapist can then be discussed in next sessions (personal experiments)
    ·         Chance to trial coping strategies in real life situations
    ·         Stages- progression of stressful situation.
    ·         Relapse prevention-
    ·         Setbacks are inevitable
    ·         Learn to cope with setbacks
    ·         View setbacks as temporary learning opportunities
    ·         Learn that success is down to their own skills, not due to luck or chance.
  • Strengths of SIT
    ·         Research found to be effective- Sheehy and Horan used it on law students and found it reduced anxiety levels and academic performance
    ·         It’s flexible- tailored to client (wide choice of tools)
    ·         Can be adapted for online use.
  • Weaknesses of SIT
    ·         Needs high commitment and motivation from client and many people leave it part way through
    ·         Not everyone is good at self-reflection
    ·         Can be considered unnecessarily complicated, is SIT just positive thinking, which could be delivered in a simpler way
    ·         We don’t always know which techniques/tools are working.