CPU & System Perfomance

Cards (26)

  • CPU performance depends on clock speed, cores and cache
  • Clock speed - This is the number of instructions a single processor core can carry out per second (Hz)
  • Clock speed - For most computers, this will be somewhere around 3.5GHz (3.5 billion instructions per second)
  • The higher the clock speed, the greater the number of instructions that can be carried out per second
  • Each core in a CPU can process data independantly of the rest
  • The more cores a CPU has, the more instructions it can carry out at once, so the faster it can process a batch of data
  • Most PCs and smartphones have 4 or more cores these days
  • The cache is data storage inside the CPU that's much faster than RAM
  • A larger CPU cache gives the CPU faster access to more data it needs to process
  • It's not quite as simple as doubling the number of cores doubles performance. Software needs to be designed to use muilticore processing
  • Not all processing tasks can be split evenly between cores
  • Generally speaking, CPUs with higher clock speeds, more cores or larger caches will have better performance, but will also be more expensive
  • More RAM can mean a faster or smoother system
  • RAM comes on sticks which plug into slots on the motherboard
  • If a computer has too little RAM it may run slowly due to the use of virtual memory
  • The more RAM, the more applications or more memory-intensive applications it can smoothly run, making it faster overall
  • It's easy to upgrade RAM on a PC or a laptop - just replace the RAM sticks with higher capacity or higher speed ones
  • If the computer already has plenty of RAM to run everything the user wants, increasing the RAM may make no difference to performance
  • GPUs help CPUs process images
  • GPU = Graphics Processing Units
  • GPUs are specialised circuits for handling graphics and image processing
  • GPUs relieve the processing load on the CPU, freeing it to do other things
  • Computers have basic GPUs integrated onto the motherboard or the CPU
  • For better graphics performance, a dedicated GPU (graphics card) is often used
  • Using high-end graphics cards can greatly improve performance in graphics-intensive applications e.g. PC gaming and design software
  • This is a GPU
    A) PCI interface slots in motherboard
    B) cooling fans
    C) video outputs