Images and sounds are pieces of data stored on computers - so, naturally they're made of bits
Images are stored as a series of pixels
Most images you use are bitmap images - e.g. photos. They're made up of lots of tiny dots, called pixels
The colour of each pixel is represented by a binary code. The number of colours available in an image is related to the number of bits the code has
Black and white images only use 2 colours, so they need 1 bit for each pixel
2-bit images can be made up of four colours. Each pixel can be one of 4 binary values - 00, 01, 10, 11
You can make a greater range of shades and colours by increasing the number of bits for each pixel
Increasing colour depth and resolution increases the file size
The colour depth is the number of bits used for each pixel
Given the colour depth you can work out how many colours can be made using the formula:
Total number of colours = 2^n (where n = number of bits per pixel or bbp)
1-bit image: 2^1 = 2 colours
4-bit image: 2^4 = 16 colours
12-bit image: 2^12 = 4096 colours
Most devices have a 24-bit colour depth, with 8 bits for the levels of red, green and blue in each pixel. This colour depth can produce more colours than the human eye can see (estimated to be 10 million)
The image resolution is the number of pixels in the image. It's sometimes given as width x height
The higher the resolution, the more pixels the image is made of, so the better the quality of the image
To work out how many bits an image will take up, use the formula:
File size (in bits) = image resolution x colour depth = width x height x colour depth
Using a greater image resolution or colour depth means that there are more bits in the image. This can give a higher quality image, but increases the file size
Calculate the file size, in MB, of an 8-bit image that is 2000 pixels wide and 1000 pixels high
Use the formula to find the size in bits:
> 2000 x 1000 x 8 = 16,000,000 bits
Divide by 8 to convert to bytes:
> 16,000,000 / 8 = 2,000,000 bytes
Divide twice by 1000 to convert to MB:
> 2,000,000 / 1000 / 1000 = 2MB
Devices need metadata to display the images
Metadata is the information stored in an image file which helps the computer recreate the image on screen from the binary data in each pixel
Metadata usually includes the image's file format, height, width, colour depth and resolution
Without metadata, devices would not be able to display the image on screen as intended
Metadata can also include information like the time and date that the image was created or last edited