Client-server networks are made up of a server and clients
A client-server network is managed by a server. The devices connected to the server are clients
Files and software are usually stored centrally on the server rather than on individual client devices
Clients send requests to the server, e.g. asking for data. The server processes the request and responds. This is the client-server relationship
The server stores user profiles, passwords and access information - it may request a password before fulfilling certain requests or deny requests to users without the right access level
Most uses of the internet work on a client-server relationship. E.g. websites are hosted on web servers. Web browsers are client programs which send requests to web servers. Web servers fulfil requests (e.g. by sending web pages) for thousands of clients
Pros of client-server networks
Easier to keep track of files as they are stored centrally
Easier to perform back-ups
Easier to install and update software
Easier to manage network security (e.g. anti-malware software and user access levels)
Servers are very reliable and are always on
Cons of client-server networks
Expensive to set up and needs IT specialists to maintain the network and server
Server dependence - if the server goes down all clients lose access to their work
The server may become overloaded if too many clients are accessing it at once
Peer-to-peer networks don't use servers
In peer-to-peer (P2P) networks all devices are equal, connecting directly to each other without a server
In P2P networks, you store files on individual devices and share them with others
You may use a P2P network at home to share files between devices, or connect devices to a printer
Pros of P2P networks
Easy to maintain - you don't need any expertise or expensive hardware
No dependence on server - if one device fails the whole network isn't lost
Cons of P2P networks
No centralised management - devices need their updates and security installed individually. Back-ups are also more complicated
Copying files between devices creates duplicate files - it's easy to lose track of what's stored where and which files are up to date
Peer machines are less reliable and data may be lost if one fails
Machines are prone to slow down when other devices access them
Although most internet use is client-server based, there are some common P2P applications such as cryptocurrency exchanges and file sharing (usually for illegal sharing of copyrighted material)