social groups and culture

Cards (7)

  • group norms is a standard, value, or rule that outlines an appropriate behavior or expectances. can be contained within society or can be exclusive to a smaller group.
  • social identity theory outlines the tendency for people to favor their in-groups over an out-group in order to enhance their sense of self esteem.
  • culture is the customs, behaviors and values of a particular group in society. culture can be linked to an individual, ethnicity, religious beliefs, nationality or even the area in which they live.
  • social loafing is an individuals reduction in effort when work is preformed in a group as compared to individually. due to the belief that others will put in the effort.
  • Individualist culture which are cultures that priorities the need and goal of individuals and value independence.
  • collectivist culture are cultures that priorities the need and goals of groups
  • social identity theory outlines the tendency for people to favor their ingroups over an outgroup